
After a whirlwind speaking and training tour over the past 10 days that’s sent me, through 8 states, on 7 flights with 6 clients, I’m now ready to punch out my time clock for a few days and really enjoy the up coming Thanksgiving Break.


Thanksgiving has, and probably always will be my favorite holiday. For starters, I love the fall in Michigan, especially those crisp autumn Saturdays spent at Michigan football tailgates and games.


Yet as the final leaves fall out my window this morning in preparation for the coming winter, I’m reminded that the seasons will come and go as they please. But this week is a rare opportunity to step off the treadmill of our busy lives and take some time with those we cherish to stop that imposing clock, if only for a few fleeting moments.


Thanksgiving in my rather large family has always been a time to halt whatever it is you are doing in your life and come together to celebrate all that we have, and all that we plan to be. It’s here that we get to beam about our success, share the lessons from our setbacks, appreciate our supporters, and recite our funny stories from the past year.


One of the traditions started by my mother was for everyone at the Thanksgiving dinner table to take a moment and share what they were thankful for before the feast begins.


This tradition is my yearly reminder that time stops for no one, but in our own ways we get to slow it down and savor those precious moments with our families, friends and those that color the portraits of our lives. Otherwise, why do we work so hard for in the first place.


My grandfather used to always say he was thankful for the same thing-

“I’m just thankful to be here with all of you for one more year!”


Ask yourself this coming week- What am I thankful for this year?


In my family?

In my business?

In my most important relationships?

With my health or the health of others?

With my friends?

In the community?


Happy Thanksgiving!



Thoughts for the week:


I am grateful for what I am and have. My Thanksgiving is perpetual.- Henry David Thoreau


Give thanks for a little and your will find a lot. – Unknown


The thankful heart opens our eyes to the multitude of blessings that continually surround us. – James E. Faust


Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, routine jobs into joy, and ordinary opportunities into blessings. William Arthur Ward


Be thankful for what you have and you’ll end up having more. Focus on what you don’t have and you’ll never have enough. – Unknown


One of the best gifts you can give someone is the gift of thanking them for being a part of your life. -Unknown


Not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them is the true measure of our Thanksgiving. – W.T. Purkiser



Looking forward to our next conversation