Avoid the Noise

Over the past 20 plus years I’ve been fortunate enough to work with some really smart people that run extremely successful organizations. Through coaching discussions and leadership alignment sessions I’ve noticed a pattern of steps and behaviors that high performing...
Celebrate Success

Celebrate Success

  Have you forgotten what it was like to Celebrate Success?   In my coaching practice and with the organizations that I’m fortunate to serve, I find this mentality with leaders over and over again. Failure to celebrate the little wins and the success of the...
Culture vs. Talent

Culture vs. Talent

  There is an age-old argument that asks the question “Is it more important to get talented individuals and attempt to build a culture around them or do we need a strong culture that nurtures our existing talent and allows for talented individuals to thrive and...

Looking Back to Look Forward

    As the last few weeks start winding down on 2021 and we start settling into our holiday routines and traditions, I often wonder about what has changed over the past year? What is new in my life? What exciting things have I accomplished over the past...
Getting the Person vs. Getting Personal

Getting the Person vs. Getting Personal

  Think about how we start most conversations with someone that we have never met before. “What do you do?” Now think about how we tend to judge people based on the answer to that question. How do we judge the people in our own business and lives based on what...
Knowing Isn’t Enough

Knowing Isn’t Enough

  Have you ever encountered someone in your business or in life that when challenged to do something new or a bit different than the way they’ve always done it, will respond with the statement- I already know that?   Sometimes after a really great meal I’m...