by timfurlong | Jun 4, 2017 | Blog
Some friends of ours recently lost their 15 year-old son and our entire community grieves with them with broken hearts. There are no words to express the sadness that this family is experiencing and everyone is struggling to process this tragic news. The only...
by timfurlong | May 19, 2017 | Blog
Jim Rohn once said “You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.” Meaning that your overall success in business and in life will be greatly impacted by only 5 people. Think about that for just a minute and ask yourself who are the 5 people...
by timfurlong | May 5, 2017 | Blog
A few days ago I was listening to a talk radio program that mentioned a service being offered in Japan that allows you to “rent a friend.” At first I thought it was a joke but as they continued to talk about it I found out that not only is this for real, but these...
by timfurlong | Apr 21, 2017 | Blog
In a day where every service oriented company is touting they that are “Customer Centric” or “All About the Customer” the incident with United Airlines a few weeks ago proves that many organizations still have a long way to go when it come to providing good customer...
by timfurlong | Apr 13, 2017 | Blog
This past week I was fortunate enough to conduct a sales training with an Ultra-High performing team. As I’ve mentioned many times before most of the Quarter Turns I’ve shared over the years are a direct result of these interactions with such talented and motivated...
by timfurlong | Mar 30, 2017 | Blog
My first coach used to state in no uncertain terms that if you wait until January to plan for the coming year, than you will not get started until April. My question this week is has this happened to you. If you haven’t noticed the first Quarter of 2017 is come to an...
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