How Resilient Are You?

How Resilient Are You?

  I was in south Florida recently which is still recovering from the effects of hurricane Ian, and the word that kept coming to my mind was Resiliency. So much of the area was back up and running, and the rest of the state was lining up to help and support those...
Let’s Get Going!

Let’s Get Going!

In case you haven’t noticed, 2022 is flying past us like a formula one race car. If you look at your calendar you will see that there are exactly 12 weeks left in the year.  I assume that got your attention! As an Executive coach, I will tell you unequivocally that...
The Email Problem

The Email Problem

Let me ask you something. Have you ever attempted to fix or solve a complicated problem with multiple people and parts using only email? Next question… How did that work for you? My guess would be, not very well. Email, while being a very important and productive tool...
The Sum of Our Habits

The Sum of Our Habits

  I once read a study that said the average person makes roughly 20,000 decisions during the course of a day. Clearly not all of these are life impacting: how much toothpaste you put on the brush, which foot hits the floor first when you get out of bed, ect. The...
Unplug From the Matrix

Unplug From the Matrix

  Most summers my family and I are fortunate enough to vacation up in Northern Michigan (yes just like in that song by Kid Rock). It’s truly one of the most beautiful places on earth, with it’s’ clear blue waters, sandy beaches, clean air and...
Problem vs. Dilemma

Problem vs. Dilemma

As we slowly enter a post-covid economy the modern workplace is fraught with many challenges. Rapid changes in our businesses make it tough to keep up with our own self-inflicted obstacles, let alone keep up with our competition. Market volatility makes it hard to...