Happy Cinco De Mayo-

This day is a great reminder that we have entered not only the 5th day of May, but also the 5th month of the year!

May is great time to do some spring cleaning on your business and your goals.

Take a look at your business plans and decide what needs to get cleaned up or cleared out as I’m certain some new goals and priorities have come into play since January.


Take a look at the progress on your existing goals. How are you doing? Where do you need to clean up some of the unnecessary or unneeded clutter and focus on what truly creates value in your business and in your life.


Spring is the season to renew, recharge and re-energize so clean out the clutter, and bring on the new and improved versions.

Here are some simple action steps to clean out the clutter in your business and in your life.

  1. Identify what needs to go. This could be physical clutter in your workspace, old paperwork, old emails, outdated equipment, inefficient processes. Anything that is no longer relevant or needed. Get it out of there today.
  2. Once you’ve decluttered the physical space, take the time to declutter your mental space. Get rid of any past grievances you are holding onto, toss out your anger and frustration as well. This mental clutter takes up space and consumes energy that could be better focused on where you are going instead of where you have been.
  3. Create a plan for decluttering. Set aside time each day to take on your different decluttering projects. Remember a good plan implemented today is better than a perfect plan implement tomorrow.
  4. Take action. Don’t wait. The only sure-fire way to NOT complete a task in to NOT start it.
  5. Stay committed to your new plan. Once you’ve decluttered use your new systems and processes to provide on-going maintenance to stay on track.


May is the perfect time to do some spring cleaning and lighten up the load to set you up for an amazing summer.


Cheers to clearing out the clutter

One Quarter Turn at a Time



Thoughts for the week:


Spring cleaning is the chance to hit the reset button on your life. –Unknown


Get rid of the clutter and you may find it’s been blocking the door you’ve been looking for. –Katrina Mayer


Spring cleaning isn’t just for your home, or just for the spring for that matter. – Dondria Johnson


The key to spring cleaning is to be ruthless. Throw out anything and everything you never use. -Josie Brown



Looking forward to our next connection

Coach Tim