Surround Yourself

Surround Yourself

There’s a great quote that simply states: “We are all the sum of the people with whom we choose to surround ourselves.” Think about all the people you surround yourself with on a consistent basis, the people you spend most of your time with. Now ask yourself: Do they...
7 Tips to Enjoy the Holidays

7 Tips to Enjoy the Holidays

  It’s hard to believe but here we are in the final month of 2023. There’s still time to accomplish some of your main goals and objectives for the year, and most importantly build up momentum to kick off the new year fully charged and ready to make 2024...
What Are You Thankful For?

What Are You Thankful For?

  Happy Thanksgiving! Today is the day to celebrate everything in your life that you are Thankful for so let’s get started. First off, I’m thankful for my amazing family. My two grown boys that are doing so well. My wife of 28 years that has put up with me and...
Find a Great Partner

Find a Great Partner

It’s no secret that I’m a huge music fan and my playlist consists of just about every type of music you can imagine. When it comes to bands, one of my favorite things to do with other music fans is get into heated discussions about who is the true talent in the group....

Are You a Great Listener?

Think about someone that you know either at work or outside the workplace that you would qualify as a Great Listener. Picture that person in your head now and ask yourself why? What is it about this person that makes them a great listener. What do they do...