Have you noticed that the routine you’ve had for many years has suddenly been tossed out the window? Working from home has thrown many people so far out of whack that they aren’t sure what to do with themselves. Simple things like taking a shower, getting dressed and even eating, have started to happen at all sorts of random times during the days.


Now that we’ve entered the 4th week of our stay at home and stay healthy directives, much of the busy work has already been done so it’s time to start thinking a bit more-long term to keep yourself productive and to keep your sanity.


One of the easiest things you can start doing for yourself is to create a routine and stick to it. We are designed for patterns and routines as it helps us create the energy and flow needed to get through our days. When we are constantly making choices and deciding what to do next, we are expending much needed brain power on menial things like when we should eat or brush our teeth. These are things you’ve never really had to think much about in the past.


Your routine doesn’t have to be set in stone but creating some daily and weekly habits sooner than later will help you adjust to the New Normal. More importantly creating a routine will help keep you engaged and energized so when things begin to normalize once again you will be ready to get back out there as a valuable member of your organization.


Here are a few things to think about as you create your routine.


  1. Go to bed and get up around the same times every day. Staying up to watch your favorite old movie or binge watch a series may seem like a good idea at the time, but it throws your circadian rhythms way too far out of whack. You will wake up groggy and discombobulated and in no shape to do anything productive.
  2. Schedule mealtimes for yourself and your family. Over the past 20 years the old- fashioned family dinner has gone by the wayside- now seems like a good time to bring it back. No digital devices and no TV. Just you and whomever you choose to call your family at some sort of a table sitting down for a meal- WOW what a concept.
  3. Exercise- We have run out of excuses not to get up and get moving. Study after study proves that some sort of physical activity during the day creates so many positive outcomes that I don’t have space to list them all in this short article.
  4. If you are working from home think about what you would be doing in your office at certain times and stick to that routine. Check your emails at certain times of the day- reach out to customers, clients and those you were planning to do business with. They may not be doing anything at this moment, but chances are they will take your call.
  5. If you have school aged kids in your house- schedule your on-line and home-schooling time with them at normal hours. Participate in the lessons and find out what’s going on with them.
  6. Schedule some time to read two types of books- One for your personal growth and development and one just for the fun of it.
  7. Don’t forget to spend some alone time- or some apart time with your significant other. The stress of these times can put and enormous amount of pressure on the most important relationship in your life. Many have seen their spouses and significant others more in the past few weeks than over the past few years. So creating space to be alone can be valuable. On the flip side taking a walk or sipping a beverage of your choice with that same person can help rebuild your bond and ease the stress of our daily lives as well.
  8. If you live alone- reach out to those that you care about and want to stay connected with, not just those work relationships that are already part of your day. Technology has allowed us to be in the room with someone virtually even though we aren’t actually there. Take care of you, even though you may already think you know how.
  9. Remember these routines are simply guidelines, they are not set in stone. Just like in our normal lives, things do come up and your routine may get shifted. The good news is, that if you actually have a routine, you can get yourself back on track and back to doing that thing you do.
  10. Please add you favorite daily routine that gets you into the flow of your day.



Cheers to you, your continued growth, and most of all your health

One Quarter Turn at a Time

Coach Tim


Thoughts for the week

The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine. –Mike Murdock

It doesn’t get easier, you just get better. Unknown

Your day is pretty much formed by how you spend your first hour. Check your thoughts, attitude and heart. –Unknown

You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success if found in your daily routine. – John Maxwell