10 Tips for a Stress Free Holiday

10 Tips for a Stress Free Holiday

It’s that time of year- bells are ringing, children singing and all is merry and bright. Everyone except for you that is, because between your work, family, friends and year-end events you are completely stressed out. Simply surviving the holidays is no way to...
Retailers Have Taken Over

Retailers Have Taken Over

Here we are the week after Thanksgiving. It’s hard to believe there are only four weeks left in the year. That’s four weeks to wrap up all your unfinished business, close a few more deals, tie up all your loose ends, get your business plans completed and set yourself...
What Are You Thankful For?

What Are You Thankful For?

After a whirlwind speaking and training tour over the past 10 days that’s sent me, through 8 states, on 7 flights with 6 clients, I’m now ready to punch out my time clock for a few days and really enjoy the up coming Thanksgiving Break.   Thanksgiving has, and...
Lessons Learned Back in High School

Lessons Learned Back in High School

3 Quarter Turns From My Son’s High School Soccer Team   My son just finished up his senior season as one of the captains for his high school soccer team. After an amazing ride and undefeated 19-0 regular season they lost a heartbreaker in the district finals to a...
Indian Summer & Second Chances

Indian Summer & Second Chances

I’ve been home in Michigan this past week and we have been enjoying above average temperatures close to 80 degrees. When I was young my elementary school teacher used to refer to days like these as the Indian Summer. She called these summer-like days the last chance...
3 Simple Rules Learned in Pre-School

3 Simple Rules Learned in Pre-School

I’ve been doing some work with a non-profit here in my home state of Michigan and recently had a conversation with a pre-school director. She mentioned to me how at the beginning of the school year it’s extremely important to lay out the rules for the children but...