Spring Cleaning for the Mind

Spring Cleaning for the Mind

Refresh your Leadership Approach It’s the time of year we’re starting to do our spring cleaning. As I’ve been cleaning out my closets and decluttering my office I realized now would be as good a time as any to start decluttering some of my thought...
Leadership Lessons From March Madness

Leadership Lessons From March Madness

  It’s my favorite time of year as we’re about to enter March Madness. Every basketball team in the country is preparing to make their final push and see if they have what it takes to make a run and win the championship.   What do I love about...
Success Comes with Struggle

Success Comes with Struggle

  So many people I come into contact with these days are completely focused on success. They read books about it, attend conferences, conduct seminars, watch videos and essentially do all the can to figure out how to become successful. What’s most interesting to...
Lessons From Yacht Rock

Lessons From Yacht Rock

Recently I watched a documentary about a style of music simply known as Yacht Rock. What’s interesting is that the genre didn’t really have a label until almost 20 years after the music was popular. Based on the movie, Yacht Rock was born with a band from the 70’s...
Accelerate Your Growth & Development

Accelerate Your Growth & Development

A few weeks ago, I had a fit of nostalgia and started scouring the internet to watch videos of some of my favorite old bands. I thought I’d look up an unsigned band that had a big impact on me early in my music career. Sure enough, I located some old grainy footage of...
What’s Your Vision>

What’s Your Vision>

  These first weeks in the New Year are a great time to start gaining clarity and focus on what you plan to bring into your life. One way to accomplish this is to create a vision for yourself and everything you plan to step into this year. Think about what you...