Win the Morning
I recently posted my Productivity Hacks, and there's been a huge response for more content around productivity and time mastery. I’ve learned over the years is that this subject is a lot like golf. Golf is a game that you never really win, you just play. Some days you...
The Use-By-Date
I was cleaning out the refrigerator the other day and noticed that we had of lot of old food tucked in the back that had long since passed the use by date. I thought about how much money I probably throw in the trashcan every year because I don’t really pay...
Productivity Hack #4
This past month has been all about productivity and how to accomplish more of what creates value in less time. Let’s start with a quick review of the first three of what I call the Gems of Productivity. In the morning before you do anything else- set your...
Productivity Hack #3
This month is all about productivity and how to accomplish more of what creates value in less time. Let’s start with a quick review of the first two of what I call the Gems of Productivity. In the morning before you do anything else- set your intentions for the...
Productivity Hack #2
This month is all about productivity so I’m sharing what I’ve described as the 4 Gems of productivity. These simple actions can help you get more done in less time and most of all allow you to feel as though you are winning the battle to be productive.
Productivity Hack #1
Once again I've received a lot of requests for strategies to be more productive so I've labeled March as Productivity Month. It’s time to get focused on being productive and getting more done in less time. This is one of the most requested topics I’m asked to speak...
The Treadmill Doesn’t Go to Eleven
If you have followed any of my articles over the past few years, you’ve probably heard me plead to the audience to take time every week and every month to “Unplug from the Matrix.” That’s just another way to ask you to remember to shut down all of your electronic...
6 Week Check In
Ok friends, we are at the 6-week mark for the year. How has the year started off for you? The President’s Day weekend is a great opportunity to do a quick re-cap for the beginning of the year. For this quick assessment, I’ve created a checklist of 6 questions to...
Avoid the Noise
Unless you happen to live in a cave, with no access to the internet and television you’ve probably noticed there is a lot of negativity floating around out there. This is not intended to be a political article because no-matter your views, there is no escaping...
To Be Great You Must See Great
Recently I was on a call with a coaching client and asked her what she felt her unique and special talent was. She replied, I think I have the ability to help people achieve greatness. When I asked her how she planned to achieve greatness in her own career she...
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