Indian Summer & Second Chances

Indian Summer & Second Chances

I’ve been home in Michigan this past week and we have been enjoying above average temperatures close to 80 degrees. When I was young my elementary school teacher used to refer to days like these as the Indian Summer. She called these summer-like days the last chance...
3 Simple Rules Learned in Pre-School

3 Simple Rules Learned in Pre-School

I’ve been doing some work with a non-profit here in my home state of Michigan and recently had a conversation with a pre-school director. She mentioned to me how at the beginning of the school year it’s extremely important to lay out the rules for the children but...
Start Thinking Back Inside the Box

Start Thinking Back Inside the Box

How often in your meetings or workplace do you hear someone say, “We really need to start thinking more Outside the Box”?   It’s become such a business and innovation cliché over the years that the statement almost feels useless and redundant. In fact many times...
How Coachable Am I?

How Coachable Am I?

Think about this. A person goes to a doctor because they have some knee pain after a particularly busy weekend of work in the yard. As part of the normal exam process, the doctor discovers the patient’s blood pressure is higher than it ought to be. The doctor mentions...
The Final Third

The Final Third

Don’t look now but the summer is just about to come to a close. Hard to believe isn’t it? I trust that you’ve had the opportunity to take some time off, visit with family and friends, take in some new sights, and unplug from the matrix to recharge your internal...