Be the Backstop For Your Team

Be the Backstop For Your Team

  I was facilitating a session for a client on delegation and the discussion shifted at one point in the true role of a leader. Many in the group were under the false assumption that their role as a leader was to take away every problem that their team...
Aim High

Aim High

  It’s that time of year again- We’ve officially entered the final quarter of 2019 and that means we get to make two extremely important decisions about how we end this year Like a freight train running at top speed Or like a beat-up old Ford Fiesta from 1992...
Success Leaves Clues

Success Leaves Clues

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to keep achieving at a high level over and over? No matter what they choose to put their effort and energy into, things just seem to keep working out for them.   Have you ever experienced success in a certain area only...
Remember When?

Remember When?

  My youngest son just started his senior year in high school. All I can wonder is where did the time go? My entire life I’ve heard those older than myself say the same thing and always wondered what the heck they were talking about. The days are slow, aren’t...
5 Tips to Reduce Stress Levels

5 Tips to Reduce Stress Levels

  All of us will experience some levels of stress in our lives. In fact studies tell us that certain levels of stress are essential to keep us sharp and allow for optimal performance. Too much stress however can have just the opposite effect on the human body,...