Holiday Lessons From Clark Griswold

Holiday Lessons From Clark Griswold

  It’s the time of year to watch some of my favorite old movie’s -Christmas Vacation is definitely one of them. I never seem to get tired of watching Clark Griswold and his futile attempts to provide the perfect Holiday for his family. This year, I realized...
So This is Christmas- What Have YOU Done?

So This is Christmas- What Have YOU Done?

  I keep hearing that song on the Radio by John Lennon, “So this is Christmas” In the first line John Lennon pointedly asks us “What have you done?  Another year over and a new one just begun”   The timing of this song is an excellent reminder to take...
10 Tips for a Stress Free Holiday

10 Tips for a Stress Free Holiday

  It’s that time of year- bells are ringing, children singing and all is merry and bright. Everyone except for you that is, because between your work, family, friends and year-end events you are completely stressed out. Simply surviving the holidays is no way to...
Being Thankful Begins With Saying Thank You

Being Thankful Begins With Saying Thank You

  It’s that of year again. The time when family and friends have the opportunity to make the long trek home, gather around a meal, and toast a glass to those things that they are Thankful for. It’s also a great time to reach out to those people around you, in...

The Velvet Rope Policy

  Seems like everyone I’m speaking with these days is having difficulty managing their time. Never seems like there are enough hours in the day to complete even the most basic of tasks let alone the key initiatives that the organization is relying upon you to...