What’s Your Plan for 2021?

What’s Your Plan for 2021? First off, I want to wish everyone a Happy and Healthy Holiday. Thanks for tuning into My Quarter Turns and for sharing all of your success stories. I’m looking forward to continuing to add value for you as we head into the New Year. My...
Are You Feeling Stressed?

Are You Feeling Stressed?

  Over the past few weeks, I’ve noticed that many people I’m speaking with have found themselves a bit more stressed than usual. Whenever this happens, I usually ask people to retrace the events and situations over the preceding days and weeks that may have led...
Thanksgiving Needed Now More Than Ever

Thanksgiving Needed Now More Than Ever

In case you haven’t already noticed 2020 has been a memorable year, and mostly for all the wrong reasons. With Covid running wild though out the country, lingering effects of a divisive election that’s turned families and friends against one another- and still hasn’t...

Check Under the Hood

  Whenever a team isn’t performing at the level they are capable, there is bound to be frustration. Sometimes this frustration can lead to a whole host of other dysfunctional team behaviors like “the Blame Game,” “Passing the Buck” and even “Checking Out” on...
Video Conferencing Made Easy

Video Conferencing Made Easy

The advent of the video conference is here to stay. That doesn’t mean we aren’t going to have live face to face meetings and conferences anymore. It does mean that we are all going to be forced to make video conference part of our daily lives.   Whether you work...