by timfurlong | Aug 11, 2022 | Blog
Most summers my family and I are fortunate enough to vacation up in Northern Michigan (yes just like in that song by Kid Rock). It’s truly one of the most beautiful places on earth, with it’s’ clear blue waters, sandy beaches, clean air and...
by timfurlong | Jul 21, 2022 | Blog, Uncategorized
As we slowly enter a post-covid economy the modern workplace is fraught with many challenges. Rapid changes in our businesses make it tough to keep up with our own self-inflicted obstacles, let alone keep up with our competition. Market volatility makes it hard to...
by timfurlong | Jul 8, 2022 | Blog
Have you ever noticed that during the natural course of your day there seems to be times where you are just able to get things done? Without much effort at all you put out an enormous amount of high quality-high value work? In these times our productivity levels...
by timfurlong | Jun 16, 2022 | Blog
Seems like only a few weeks ago we were taking down our holiday lights and shoveling snow, now we are making our 4th of July plans? How does that happen so fast? I haven’t gotten used to how fast the time passes these days, but like everyone I’ll just have to...
by timfurlong | Jun 9, 2022 | Blog
This past weekend I attended a retirement party for my older sister who has worked at the same high school in our hometown of Ann Arbor as a teacher, gymnastics coach and counselor for 32 years. Working anywhere for that length of time is something we probably...
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