What Are You Thankful For?

What Are You Thankful For?

  Happy Thanksgiving! Today is the day to celebrate everything in your life that you are Thankful for so let’s get started. First off, I’m thankful for my amazing family. My two grown boys that are doing so well. My wife of 28 years that has put up with me and...
Find a Great Partner

Find a Great Partner

It’s no secret that I’m a huge music fan and my playlist consists of just about every type of music you can imagine. When it comes to bands, one of my favorite things to do with other music fans is get into heated discussions about who is the true talent in the group....
Self-Care Is Not Selfish

Self-Care Is Not Selfish

What is your energy level like today? Are you fired up and inspired to take on the challenges of in front of you? Or are feeling beat up and dragging, barely able to show up how you want to.   In my coaching practice, I tend to look for 3 things in every...
You Don’t Need a Title to Lead

You Don’t Need a Title to Lead

  I recently spoke at a conference and as usual my topic revolved around Quarter Turns and how you can apply these lessons to Leadership. After the session ended a young man came up to me to share how much he enjoyed the presentation and how some key take aways...
Are You User-Friendly?

Are You User-Friendly?

Apple has built one of the most profitable businesses in the world based on just one premise- being “user friendly.” They have become so successful that every tech, web, cloud-based and software company has had to modify, adjust, and adapt how their products work in...
Do You Have a Pre-Shot Routine?

Do You Have a Pre-Shot Routine?

  Recently I read an article by a sports psychologist called “A Pre-Shot Routine.” The article speaks to the importance of having a routine for everything you do. This routine becomes part of your visual and muscle memory, which increases the odds that you...