This week I was watching a show called Hard Knocks on HBO which follows a football team through training camp and the pre-season. In it the head coach for the Chicago Bears shared something with his team that really resonated with me. He said “Winning doesn’t make you a winner and Losing doesn’t make you a loser. Winning Habits make you a winner” 


That is so spot on. Think about anyone you know that is successful. What is the one thing they all have in common? They all build winning habits. More importantly they consistently work on those habits and practice those habits that they know will drive them towards the outcomes that will ultimately bring long-term success and achieve their goals.



I’ve heard it said that successful people have simply made a habit out of doing things that other people are unwilling to do. I’m certain that healthy people have created these types of habits. Having a glass of water instead of a soft drink, or eating a piece of fruit instead of a candy bar. Going for a walk instead of lying around on the couch to watch a re-run of Big Bang Theory. You get the picture

If you really think about it, we are basically the sum total of all our habits and routines. The secret to success is creating winning habits that take you places you wish to go. Are your habits consciously or even unconsciously moving you closer to your goals and slowly moving your further away from them.


It all starts with awareness. Are you aware of your habits and routines? Are you paying attention to the results they are getting for you? Or are you oblivious to how you show up in business and in life and then constantly complaining that you aren’t where you want to be?

The good news is that since you have learned all of your habits, you can unlearn them as well. One of my favorite quotes is from Alvin Toffler who simply states:

“The illiterate of the future are not those who can’t read of write, but those who cannot learn a skill, unlearn it, and then relearn it again differently”

I’m sure you are aware that the hardest part of this equation is the “unlearning”

Because like so many of our habits, we been doing them now for so long that they’ve now become “the way we’ve always done it”


 So this week I want to ask you:

What are your winning habits?

Are you practicing these habits on a daily basis to achieve the outcomes you’re looking for?

How are you allowing some of your Non-winning habits to get in the way of success?

What new habit are you committing to this week?

Until next time

Cheers to you and re-committing to your Winning Habits…

One Quarter Turn at a Time