Happy New Year!
Here we are friends. I’ve been taking about this for the past few months. The New Year is coming! It’s going to be here before you know it, and well guess what… it’s here!
As we enter this New Year there are three things I want to ask you right now to get you thinking about this month and start achieving those things you want to accomplish. No better time then right now to get things started on the right foot, so here goes.
#1 Is your energy in the right place? Hopefully you’re rested and recharged and were able to unplug over the holidays and now your mind is right your body’s right your hearts right and you’re ready to roll as we begin this year.
#2 Do you have clarity? What are your goals? I can’t stress this enough to actually write down your personal goals and write down your professional goals for this coming year. I know it seems like a small thing, but it’s actually a very big thing. Writing your goals down make them real and sets your intention to make them happen.
As you write them down make sure there are specific. Make sure you can measure them. Make sure you control the action that will cause these goals to happen. Are they realistic? Stretch yourself out of your comfort zone, but don’t undershoot as well. And lastly are they time bound? There has to be some sort of an end game because our brains don’t understand Infinity and “sometime in the future” isn’t going to create any urgency for you.
So is your energy right? Do you have clarity? And finally are you focused on the task at hand? What are those things that you need to focus on stay committed to and make sure that you are keeping top of mind so that all these things you want to happen become your reality as we power into the new year.
Energy, Clarity & Focus. Take a quick temperature check and see where you are as we kick off the New Year.
Until next time here’s to you and your continued success and having an amazing New Year One Quarter Turn at a time.
Thoughts for the week:
And now we welcome a new year. Full of things that have never been. –Ranier Maria Rilke
What the new year brings to you will depend a great deal on what you bring to the new year. –Yern McClellen
We all get the the exact same 365 days. The only difference is what we do with them. -Hillary Dipiano
Looking forward to our next connection
Coach Tim
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