The One Thing Needed for Greatness

The One Thing Needed for Greatness

I called my son up at college the other day to find out how things were going and of course at first I got the usual “uh ok I guess?” After I asked a few more questions he went into a rant about how frustrated he was that he hadn’t met any great friends so far and...
Lessons From McGregor-Mayweather

Lessons From McGregor-Mayweather

Call it whatever you want- Sports Spectacle, Sports Sham, Marketing Genius, or Marketing Hype- last month’s McGregor- Mayweather fight was quite an event and almost impossible to ignore. Much to our surprise, the UFC fighter put up a good fight against arguably the...
Treat Your Team Like Your Best Customer?

Treat Your Team Like Your Best Customer?

I’ve been coaching a talented young sales-person that completely understands how to build and maintain a strong relationship with his customers and clients. His passion and energy for problem solving and creating win-win scenarios for those he serves will allow him to...
You Gotta Make Some Mistakes

You Gotta Make Some Mistakes

Recently my wife and I took our oldest son to his College orientation. I have to tell you the production put on by this University was absolutely spectacular and nothing like my college orientation almost 30 years ago.   After a brief welcome presentation for the...
5 Tips to Stay Focused Over the Summer

5 Tips to Stay Focused Over the Summer

Summer is officially here and with it comes drastically altered schedules, parties, barbecues, events and hopefully a vacation. It’s easy to understand why we all have a much harder time being focused on our work, when there is just so much happening outside the...
Oh the Places You’ll Go

Oh the Places You’ll Go

It’s graduation season once again and this year there is a bit of a twist because my oldest son Dylan is one of those graduates. All I can think is “How has this happened? I’m too young to have a high school graduate? What the heck is going on here?”   Those of...