by timfurlong | Dec 15, 2017 | Blog
As the last few weeks start winding down on 2017 and we start settling into our holiday routines and traditions, I often wonder about what has changed over the past year? What is new in my life? What exciting things have I accomplished over the past year? And most...
by timfurlong | Nov 30, 2017 | Blog
5 Tips to Truly Enjoy The Holiday Season This time of year it’s easy to get lost in the holiday shuffle and also a time when many of our goals tend to go by the wayside. I’ve been working hard with my clients and myself to stay focused and finish the year...
by timfurlong | Nov 17, 2017 | Blog
I don’t know the exact reasons why, but Thanksgiving just seems to always be one of my favorite holidays, and every year it just keeps getting more and more special. Maybe it’s just a function of getting older and learning to appreciate things that I probably...
by timfurlong | Nov 3, 2017 | Blog
If you happened to catch a few games of the World Series then you probably agree it was one of the most enjoyable series that I’ve seen in recent memory. This one had everything – great hitting, great pitching, amazing comebacks and late inning heroics, and it...
by timfurlong | Oct 20, 2017 | Blog
In case you haven’t already noticed we are well into the final quarter of 2017. How is that for a reality check? That’s right friends, 3 quarters down and less than 1 quarter to go. The good news is we still have 10 weeks left to complete our goals and...
by timfurlong | Oct 6, 2017 | Blog
I’ve always wanted to see Paul McCartney live in concert and realized a few months ago that my opportunities to do so were beginning to run out, so this past weekend I finally made that goal a reality. I have to tell you at 75 years old this guy can put any young...
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