by timfurlong | Jun 28, 2018 | Blog
Seems like only a few weeks ago we were taking down our holiday lights and shoveling snow, now we are making our 4th of July plans? How does that happen so fast? I haven’t gotten used to how fast the time passes these days, but like everyone I’ll just have to get used...
by timfurlong | Jun 15, 2018 | Blog
Recently I attended a conference and the speaker was talking about staying productive in the face of distractions and obstacles. He kept referring to the concept of getting yourself into your groove and steps you can take to find that ever-elusive groove where you are...
by timfurlong | May 4, 2018 | Blog
In my years of coaching Sales-people I like to encourage them to go out and buy something so they can put themselves in the place of a customer and remember what it’s like to be on the other side of the sales process. Recently we replaced a long-term team...
by timfurlong | Apr 20, 2018 | Blog
A few weeks ago I was with an Executive working on strategic alignment for the coming year. As we were discussing the need to effectively communicate the vision and strategy to their teams, all the various obstacles and challenges came up that could make executing the...
by timfurlong | Apr 6, 2018 | Blog
Recently on a coaching call one of my clients shared with me her love of the game of golf. If you seen me speak at a conference or leadership session, you may have heard me use golf as metaphor for how we measure success in our business and our lives. You see,...
by timfurlong | Mar 23, 2018 | Blog
How odd would this be – you’re watching a live news story and see a firefighter rush into a burning building and rescue the family member of a distraught onlooker. After embracing their loved one, they turn to the heroic firefighter and say, “Thank you for your time.”...
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