Let’s Get Going!
In case you haven’t noticed, 2022 is flying past us like a formula one race car. If you look at your calendar you will see that there are exactly 12 weeks left in the year. I assume that got your attention! As an Executive coach, I will tell you unequivocally that...
The Email Problem
Let me ask you something. Have you ever attempted to fix or solve a complicated problem with multiple people and parts using only email? Next question… How did that work for you? My guess would be, not very well. Email, while being a very important and productive tool...
Entering the Final Third
Don’t look now but the summer is over! Hard to believe isn’t it? I trust that in our first post covid summer you’ve had the opportunity to take some time off, visit with family and friends, take a well needed vacation, and unplug from the matrix to recharge...
The Sum of Our Habits
I once read a study that said the average person makes roughly 20,000 decisions during the course of a day. Clearly not all of these are life impacting: how much toothpaste you put on the brush, which foot hits the floor first when you get out of bed, ect. The...
Unplug From the Matrix
Most summers my family and I are fortunate enough to vacation up in Northern Michigan (yes just like in that song by Kid Rock). It's truly one of the most beautiful places on earth, with it's' clear blue waters, sandy beaches, clean air and quaint little...
Problem vs. Dilemma
As we slowly enter a post-covid economy the modern workplace is fraught with many challenges. Rapid changes in our businesses make it tough to keep up with our own self-inflicted obstacles, let alone keep up with our competition. Market volatility makes it hard to...
The 120 Minute Window
Have you ever noticed that during the natural course of your day there seems to be times where you are just able to get things done? Without much effort at all you put out an enormous amount of high quality-high value work? In these times our productivity levels...
6 Month Review
Seems like only a few weeks ago we were taking down our holiday lights and shoveling snow, now we are making our 4th of July plans? How does that happen so fast? I haven’t gotten used to how fast the time passes these days, but like everyone I’ll just have to...
Lessons From a High School Guidance Counselor
This past weekend I attended a retirement party for my older sister who has worked at the same high school in our hometown of Ann Arbor as a teacher, gymnastics coach and counselor for 32 years. Working anywhere for that length of time is something we probably...
Summer is Here
Memorial day has come and gone and for me that always been the official kick off of summer. There is something about summer that just invokes a feeling of freedom and that anything is possible. I wish I could somehow bottle up that feeling and keep it with me...
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