
My Quarter Turns
The Most Important Conversation

The Most Important Conversation

  When I ask my clients about whom they have their most important conversations many will tell me it’s with their biggest clients, their key team members, sometimes their boss, an owner or board member, some might even tell me it’s a family member like their...

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52 Week Challenge

52 Week Challenge

Happy New Year everybody. I’m so excited crank it up with another year of Quarter Turns to share with you. I Trust that you’re energized and ready to roll this year so let’s get started.   This year I’m giving everyone a task to complete a 52-week challenge. If...

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12 Quarter Turns for the Holidays

12 Quarter Turns for the Holidays

  Hopefully as you are reading this, you’re getting ready to spend some quality time with your family, friends or maybe even just yourself. I thought in honor of the season I’d send out 12 of the most popular and useful Quarter Turns to help propel you into the...

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So This is Christmas- What Have You Done?

So This is Christmas- What Have You Done?

  I keep hearing that song on the Radio by John Lennon, “So this is Christmas” In the first line he asks us to answer a valuable question- “What have you done?  Another year over and a new one just begun”   The timing of this song is an excellent reminder to...

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What Are You Thankful For?

What Are You Thankful For?

  Happy Thanksgiving! Today is the day to celebrate everything in your life that you are Thankful for so let’s get started. First off, I’m thankful for my amazing family. My two grown boys that are doing so well. My wife of 28 years...

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You Don’t Need a Title to Lead

You Don’t Need a Title to Lead

  I recently spoke at a conference and as usual my topic revolved around Quarter Turns and how you can apply these lessons to Leadership. After the session ended a young man came up to me to share how much he enjoyed the presentation and how some key take aways...

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Where Planners Get it Wrong

Where Planners Get it Wrong

There is a great quote that states, “A good plan implemented today is better than a perfect plan implemented tomorrow.”   There is a lot of confusion and misconceptions out there around why it’s so important to create a plan. The biggest seems to be that we...

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Celebrate Your Labor

Celebrate Your Labor

It’s Labor Day Weekend- If you didn’t already realize it, the summer is over! Hard to believe isn’t it? I trust that you’ve had an amazing summer, you’ve had the opportunity to take some time off, visit with family and friends, take a well needed vacation, and unplug...

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Are You Connected?

Are You Connected?

A few weeks ago, I was traveling home from a business trip out west. I typically try to change into more comfortable clothes for a long flight so jeans and a tee shirt with a ¾ zip is my preferred attire. Many of you already know that I’m a big Michigan wolverine fan...

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The Best Way to Learn It Is to Teach It

The Best Way to Learn It Is to Teach It

  My first coach was one of the most amazing individuals I have ever met. I learned so much in such a short time and find myself to this day still using many of the lessons he shared with me. Finding yourself a good coach is an entirely different topic I’ll save...

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