
My Quarter Turns
What Are Your Winning Habits?

What Are Your Winning Habits?

This week I was watching a show called Hard Knocks on HBO which follows a football team through training camp and the pre-season. In it the head coach for the Chicago Bears shared something with his team that really resonated with me. He said “Winning doesn't make you...

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Plant Your Tree

Plant Your Tree

Guess what? We have firmly entered into the second half of the year so it’s time to kick your actions and productivity into a higher gear. To get you focused on these next five months there’s a great Chinese proverb that asks the question: When it the best time to...

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Where is Your Laughter?

Where is Your Laughter?

This past weekend we were able to spend some time out on a lake with some friends. If you live in the Midwest like I do, these are the summertime events we look forward to and only get the opportunity to do a few months out of the year. Being on the water with friends...

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Where’s Your Swag

Where’s Your Swag

  I’m fortunate in my career that I get to speak at conferences all over North America and beyond. If you’ve ever attended a conference, you probably have received some type of SWAG from conference organizers and sponsors. Over the years I’ve acquired bins full...

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Self-Care Is Not Selfish

Self-Care Is Not Selfish

What is your energy level like today? Are you fired up and inspired to take on the challenges of in front of you? Or are feeling beat up and dragging, barely able to show up how you want to.   In my coaching practice, I tend to look for 3 things in every...

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Who Surrounds You?

Who Surrounds You?

There’s a great quote that simply states: “We are all the sum of the people with whom we choose to surround ourselves.” Think about all the people you surround yourself with on a consistent basis, the people you spend most of your time with. Now ask yourself: Do they...

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Is Anybody Listening?

Is Anybody Listening?

  This may surprise you, but in over 24 years of coaching senior executives and individual contributors the two words I have coached my clients more than any others are…. SHUT UP And then ask more questions.     Recently on a coaching call with a client...

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Check-Up From the Neck-Up

Check-Up From the Neck-Up

  In case you haven’t been paying attention the year is already halfway gone. I’m not even sure why the accelerated passing of time surprises me anymore, but somehow it still does. So before your check out and enjoy your Fourth of July holiday this would be a...

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Work ON Your Business Not IN It

Work ON Your Business Not IN It

  Recently I published an article about a Strategic Alignment session I conducted with a client. As a result, I was overwhelmed with responses from people stating that they schedule these type of off-site planning events with their teams but never seem to achieve...

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Remove the Brown M&M’s

Remove the Brown M&M’s

One of my all-time favorite bands growing up was Van Halen. I was mesmerized by the way Eddie Van Halen could play his guitar, it was something I had never seen before, almost like he was from another planet. The band had also developed a reputation as “bad boys” by...

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