by timfurlong | Apr 13, 2020 | Uncategorized
The world has certainly changed over the past few weeks. More so than ever seemed possible. One thing that has becoming painfully clear- in a service-based economy there are very few “Essential Jobs” Think about it for just a minute- unless you happen to...
by timfurlong | Apr 10, 2020 | Uncategorized
If this was a normal Good Friday, I would have only worked a few hours and then packed up my family and headed over to my brother or my sister’s house here in Ann Arbor for the annual family tradition of making Pizza Bread. This dish tastes nothing like pizza...
by timfurlong | Apr 7, 2020 | Uncategorized
Have you noticed that the routine you’ve had for many years has suddenly been tossed out the window? Working from home has thrown many people so far out of whack that they aren’t sure what to do with themselves. Simple things like taking a shower, getting dressed and...
by timfurlong | Mar 27, 2020 | Uncategorized
If I hear the word unprecedented one more time I’m going to implode. Yes we are dealing with something we’ve never experienced before, and yes it’s going to take a huge effort on the part of everyone to get through it. So let’s do everyone a favor and stop...
by timfurlong | Mar 24, 2020 | Blog
As we embark on week number two of life in the New Normal, I’ve been hearing lots of stories about people and families dealing with boredom. With school-aged kids off now on extended breaks, sports and activities cancelled, and many working out of make-shift home...
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