Refresh your Leadership Approach
It’s the time of year we’re starting to do our spring cleaning. As I’ve been cleaning out my closets and decluttering my office I realized now would be as good a time as any to start decluttering some of my thought processes and my approach to common business challenges, so let’s begin our Spring Cleaning for the Mind.
Start with your habits.
Much like going through my closets, I have to ask the same question regarding some of my habits. What is working for me and what’s become a bit outdated or something that I’m just doing because it’s “the way I’ve always done it?” Like those old clothes, papers and files, when I initially got them, they served a purpose but now they no longer have value and they’re making it harder to stay organized and achieve my new goals. Just like those old clothes I’ve tossed into a bag to take to Goodwill, I’ve got to let go of some of my old, outdated habits and ways of doing things.
The way we’ve always done it mentality isn’t going to take to get us where we want to go.
What are some of your old and outdated habits that could stand to be refreshed, updated or simply tossed out?
Belief Systems
Ask yourself:
What are some of my limiting belief systems that I’ve allowed to dictate my choices in leadership.
I work with many people that are perfectionists, and the perfectionist profile is a good excuse for procrastination or a feeling that I’m never good enough because nothing’s ever perfect. Remember you’re not paid for perfection you’re paid for results.
Am I micromanaging my team and stifling their growth because of my need to stay in control or need to do things a certain way?
Am I delegating effectively to my teams and peers or am I worried about them making a mistake and holding on to everything.
If I don’t adjust my thoughts with these limiting beliefs not only will I to stifle my own growth, I’lI stifle the growth of my teams as well.
How am I staying motivated? Am I embracing my curious nature and the lifelong learner in me? What books am I reading? What podcasts am I listening to? What coaches or mentors have I latched on to in and outside of my business that’s going to reignite my motivation and propel me to achieve at higher levels.
Have I reviewed my goals recently? Are they still in alignment with my vision and my values? What goals have I accomplished that I can cross off the list and remove and what goals do I need to reassess and recommit to? Just like in spring cleaning what goals can I toss out because they’re just no longer relevant?
Organizing & Prioritization
How am I organizing my business life and my business space? Do I have a schedule and am I sticking to it? Have I created an ideal day and an ideal week and more importantly am I sticking to that as well? Is my workspace cluttered and messy or is it organized and neat and do I know where everything is? What does my e-mail inbox look like these days? Have I created some rules and folders to place everything where it needs to go?
Time to clean up my workspace?
Spring is a season of renewal and growth but before we can do move forward we’ve got to clear out the clutter, clear out the old, create the new strategies and to prepare for massive amounts of growth.
Until next time
Cheers to you and your continued success- and doing some Spring Cleaning, One Quarter Turn at a Time
Thoughts around Spring Cleaning
Cleaning & organizing is a practice not a project. -Meagan Francis
Spring is the time of plans and projects. -Leo Tolstoy
Spring is natures way of saying, Let’s Party. -Robin Williams
Looking forward to our next connection
Coach Tim
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