This past weekend we were able to spend some time out on a lake with some friends. If you live in the Midwest like I do, these are the summertime events we look forward to and only get the opportunity to do a few months out of the year.

Being on the water with friends allows me to unplug from the matrix to relax little bit.

But the best part of it was the entire weekend was that we were all laughing really hard. Not just a chuckle, but the kind of laughing that when you’re done, you have to catch your breath and your stomach muscles are worn out. The kind of laughing that when you finally stop you feel like you’ve just gotten through an intense work out

I can’t tell you how energizing that is and how much it recharges and resets your battery. There’s new data that suggests a good hard laughter is essential to our physical, emotional and mental health.

Social scientists tell us that hundreds of years ago, laughter was a social cue that let everyone know things were ok and there was nothing to feel threatened by or anxious about. Today I think it just allows us to shed the normal stressors of our days and weeks and allows us to reenter our lives with a fresh new focus and perspective.

We’ve all been told at some point and probably know from experience that there are times when laughter truly is the best medicine. Sometimes the only thing we can do is laugh, especially at ourselves.

So this week I want to ask you

Are you taking some time to unplug from the matrix and do some things that you love with people you enjoy being around this summer?

And second, when is the last time you laughed really hard? Where you just couldn’t control yourself laughing at the end of it you were so exhausted that you needed to catch your breath.

If you can’t remember when that was then it’s probably been too long. Go find your laughter today because when you do you’re going to feel better then you have in a long time.

So until next time, here’s to you and your continued success and laughing as hard as you can

One Quarter Turn at a Time.

Thoughts for the week:

“The human race has only one really effective weapon and that is laughter.” – Mark Twain

“Everybody laughs the same in every language because laughter is a universal connection.” Jakob Smirnoff

“There is little success where there is little laughter.” – Andrew Carnegie

“Laughter is an instant vacation.” – Milton Berle

Looking forward to our next connection

Coach Tim