Seems like only a few weeks ago we were taking down our holiday lights and shoveling snow, now we are making our 4th of July plans? How does that happen so fast? I haven’t gotten used to how fast the time passes these days, but like everyone I’ll just have to get used to it.


With that being said, before you punch out for a summer break, now is a great time to pull out the business and personal plans you created for 2018 and take a good hard look at how you are doing so far.


Take some time this week to review the goals and objectives you created for the year and make an honest assessment of where you are. Remember this is not the time to beat yourself up over what you haven’t done, but rather celebrate all that you have done.


This is also a great time to make important course corrections and “Quarter Turns” so that you can achieve everything you desire this year.


To help you make this important assessment I’ve created some relevant questions to help guide you on your way for the next 6 months of 2018.

Cheers to your continued success, One Quarter Turn at a Time.




  1. Where are you at with you most important goals and objectives? Celebrate the wins you have made so far this year, and those things that you haven’t gotten to yet should be reviewed as well by asking yourself the following questions.


  1. Am I still as committed to this goal as I was 6 months ago? If not-why not? If so –how much so?


  1. How relevant is this particular goal in the context of what I wish to achieve this year?


  1. What would happen if I eliminated this goal from my list altogether?


  1. If it’s still important, what has prevented me from moving forward with this objective? Is this self-created or is it something I have no control over?


  1. If self-created than ask yourself: what steps will I take in coming weeks to move forward and begin the process of achieving it.


  1. If you have no control over the outcome than here is some good advice- Quit beating yourself up and stressing about it. When the circumstances dictate action just be ready to execute your plan.


  1. Create your actions steps on a blank piece of paper complete with timelines and milestones, start with step #1 and move on from there?


  1. What resources or people have you failed to utilize to help achieve your desired outcomes?


  1. Who is holding you accountable to your goals?



Success in business and in life is not an accident or by luck, but rather the process of being intentional about what you want and where you are going. Start creating your tomorrow by taking action today!




Thoughts for the week:


A dream is just a dream. A goal is a dream with a plan and a deadline. –Harvey



Whatever you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals. –Zig Ziglar


If people are not laughing at your goals, your goals are too small. – Unknown


The greatest danger for most of us in not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low and achieving our mark. –Michelangelo


Don’t let life change your goals, because achieving goals can change your life. –Unknown


Action without planning is fatal, but planning without action is futile. –Unknown


There are no traffic jams on the extra mile. – Zig Ziglar


The way to get started it to quit talking and begin doing. –Walt Disney



Looking forward to our next conversation