It’s graduation season for both high schools and colleges and it’s always one of my favorite times of year. There is something about the renewed sense of energy and spirit that just permeates the environment during this time and gets me charged up. This year it’s even more special as my youngest son is graduating from the University of Michigan- Go Blue!


To honor all those graduates, as well as all you leaders out there that are ready to ascend to your next level, I’m sharing a few Quarter Turns that can help accelerate the process.

Get out of your Comfort Zone


Prepare yourself to get uncomfortable. We don’t learn anything in our comfort zones, in fact we are designed to do the same things over and over again. When you get out of your comfort zone and get uncomfortable, that’s where the learning happens and that leads to growth. Remember, nothing great ever happens in your comfort zone.



Set Goals for Yourself


Setting clear obtainable goals is the quickest and most efficient way to start achieving at a higher level. The number one reason why people do not accomplish amazing goals is simply because they do not have any. Write down some clear goals for yourself over the next 6-12 months a see where it leads you. Remember, don’t worry about the “HOW” the “HOW” will present itself to you when you have clarity on the “WHAT”.


Take a Few Risks


In order to achieve something great, you will get to take some calculated risks. Don’t sell yourself short and shoot for mediocrity. Risks lead to the reward and also part of getting out of your comfort zone.


Failure is Not Fatal


We tend to learn more from our mistakes and the things that don’t work out then the things that do work out. If you fall on your face or fall down, pick yourself up, learn the lesson, move on and get started again. No need to wallow in the mud. Ditch the negative self-talk and remember failure and making mistakes is all part of the process if you plan to be successful.



These are a few Quarter Turns for all you Graduates out there as well as all you Leaders to get to motivated for the summer. Please feel free to add a few of your own quick tips as well.


Until next time

Here’s to you and your continued success.

One Quarter Turn at a Time